Frequently Asked Questions

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Our Technology Makes Security Easier

BigPass redefines access control with latest features including SDK-free web interfaces, dual relay functionality, and seamless online/offline operations.

  • What makes BigPass different from other access control devices?

    BigPass stands out with its SDK-free web interface that allows users to manage the device effortlessly without additional software. Advanced features like built-in WiFi, dual relay support, internal battery, and online/offline functionality provide seamless performance and integration with various systems through REST API and MQTT support.

  • How can BigPass handle power or network outages?

    BigPass is equipped with an internal battery to ensure continuous operation during power outages. Additionally, its online/offline operating mode allows the device to function independently of network availability, ensuring secure storage and synchronization of data when connection is restored.

  • Is BigPass compatible with different card technologies?

    Yes, BigPass supports both Proximity and Mifare card technologies, making it versatile and suitable for various applications. This ensures compatibility with existing systems and allows seamless integration into various organizational setups.

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